6 Benefits of Natural Gypsum Powder

exporters of natural gypsum powder in India

In this world, everyone needs nutrition for growth and better work. Like human soil also need some nutrition’s and other ingredients to become fertilize and give the best result. Many factors affect soil fertility like weather, chemical, harvesting technics, solid products like plastic, etc. today everyone wants good crop and want to earn a profit, so they use many harmful fertilizers which make the soil weak and unfertile. To make the soil quality better we use many natural and synthetic products and natural gypsum is one of them. Gypsum is generally gypsum lumps that are grinded without the calcination process which is called natural gypsum. Gypsum is not used in agriculture but uses in food and construction. India also produces gypsum in big amounts and there also some best exporters of natural gypsum powder in IndiaThere are some important benefits of gypsum in all fields, let’s have a look.

  • Adjust soil pH: Gypsum is mostly used to adjust the pH of the soil according to the nature of the soil. If the soil is sodic which means sodium quantity in soil high which can lead to infertile soil. Gypsum decreases the pH of sodic soil from 9 to 7.5-7.8 which is perfect for perfect soil. It also increases the pH of acidic soil which can lead to result in good crop quality.

  • Soil structure: Gypsum maintains the structure of the soil to make it better for harvesting. If the soil has high sodium quantity so it can decrease the quantity of sodium. It also gives calcium to the soil which is a very important nutrient for it. 

  • Stop water runoff and erosion: Erosion of soil and water runoff is two major problems in harvesting. Which crops need more water, they get less and it affects the quality and quantity of soil. Gypsum increases the infiltration power of soil which reduces the problem of water runoff and erosion. Gypsum also Increases the moisture of soil which helps soil to be till and make a good seedbed.

  • Plant nutrients: Gypsum helps plant to absorb more nutrients from the soil which make plant better. It also decreases the toxicity of the soil and also maintains the other components of soil. It also decreases heavy metal toxicity and reduces its adverse effects on the plants. It also increases fruit quality and treats some plant diseases. 

  • In construction: Gypsum is also used in construction in cement and interior design. It is used as a retarding agent in cement which helps to increase the settle down property of cement. It also uses to design the interior of house and ceiling design because of its chemical nature. It also uses for making some home decorating and wall putty.

  • In food: Gypsum is mainly used in food as a dietary supplement of calcium. It is also used in beer, wine, flour, canned vegetables, ice cream, cakes, etc.

So there is some most important use of natural gypsum powder. There many best companies selling Indian gypsum powder which is very good in quality and rates.


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