Aac Block Adhesive and Mortar for a Strong Construction

AAC block adhesive

They are polymers that join materials that impart high bonding. It also has high durability and helps in bonding bricks and concrete blocks. They are the best achievement in the construction field in the 20th century. It is generally pre-mixed before applying to high-quality mortar. It is also easy to apply in between the blocks. Its other advantages include its joining capacity that reduces up to 75%. Cement and mortar mixing is relatively time-consuming as the paste is obtained by mixing the raw materials in their correct proportion, on the other hand, the AAC block adhesive is easy to mix as only water is used to obtain the paste. 

There is no curing required as the water added while mixing is enough to strengthen the material. The site is hygienic and easy to use. The processing time required is minimal as there is no curing required. Cement mortar has a wastage of around 30%, on the contrary, AAC block adhesive accounts for no wastage. It also accounts for a thermal insulation property compared to the cement mortar. 

Everything you need to know about AAC block mortars:

The specifications include a density of 1650 kg/cum, a water powder ratio of 25% per weight, a tensile strength of 0.5 N/ sq mm, comprehensive strength of 7 N /sq mm, and pot life up to 1 hour at 27C. It eliminates the cracks and shrinkage as the thickness of the adhesive is comparatively thin. It is suitable for ‘green building as it is made up of polymers. It is necessary to check on the line and level to ensure the thickness on both sides of the block. It also adds efficiency by offering a better value for the money we invest. 

It is used interiorly and exteriorly in thin adhesives for cellular concrete blocks. It has an improved adhesion between two blocks by providing bond strength, compressive & tensile strength. It is flexible, shock & impact resistant. It is fast & economical. It is used as a cover for its smoothness, evenness, size of blocks, and thickness of AAC block mortar. It has resistance to impact, moisture, vibration, heat, and water. Factory-made raw materials like graded sand, mineral binders, and OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement) are blended with mortar to provide mechanical strength between the block surface. 

They are conventional compared to cement mortars. Disposal options for raw materials have been made much easier by using AAC adhesives. It is highly recommended in the field of construction due to the combination of high durability and strength. Its low weight and eco-friendly feature also add to its advantages. One can lower the project cost by using AAC as it can reduce the consumption of steel, concrete, and labor. It can save mortar up to 46% by reducing 50% joints as the size of one AAC block ranges around 600 x 200 x 100 mm. 

Bottom Line:

Trimurti builders are pioneers in supplying AAC block mortars and adhesives for constructing buildings and have been building trust among home builders since the year 2004.


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